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Nathalie George

Welcome on Nathalie George, Osteopath D.O. website

I am glad to welcome you with Joy to my office in Paris 5e next to Maubert-Mutualité metro station (ligne 10) .


Your osteopath uses very soft techniques. 

Flower Essences Therapy 

Used if needed during the osteopathic treatment or as a complement (only at Paris’office) 

The Osteopathic Session

Why to consult? Where to consult? Fees and information 


Osteopathy is a global approach of each individual. One of the core principles of Osteopathy is “Wholeness”. Working with this principle means we see the patient as “one” including the patient’s environment. 

The goal of the Osteopath is to “tune the patient back ” on one’s regulations processes so the Health can express Itself.

Biodynamic Osteopathy relies on all the embryonic forces that, from the beginning, express themselves through growth and development processes, all life long.

An Art

Perceptual and sensory development of the hand, will be a door to “listen to” the patients’ tissues to understand one’s state of health. Also, an osteopathic treatment is given through hands.

A Science

Osteopathy relies on a deep knowledge of anatomy, physiology, diseases…

A Philosophy

Wholeness and self-regulation are two key principles of Osteopathy. The body does its best to keep balances in different systems (biochemical, immune system, hormonal system…). This mechanism is called homeostasis. It can be hurt and imbalanced by many causes. Osteopathy helps the whole system to get back to balance.

Who can consult ?

Osteopathy accompagnies you throughout your lifeEveryone can consult an osteopath no matter what one’s age is or physical state. 

Contrary to popular belief, Osteopathy is not only about muscular and joints pains. It works very well on dysfonctional disorders such (digestive disorders, sleeping disorders…)

About Nathalie

Osteopath, a vocation

Physical and emotional well-being of my close ones, have always been very important to me. From a very young age, I wanted to be able to care and help other people in my professional life. When a teenager, I sprained my ankle, which turnt out to be a gift since that is the way I received my first osteopathic treatment. Being able to treat and help someone just by using hands, amazed me. It was a milestone moment as I just found my vocation . Obviously, after graduating from high-school, I completed my 5 year full time program (5000+ hours) in an osteopathic school (Institut Supérieur d’Ostéopathie Paris-Est).

Osteopath, a life path

As I love my work, I am following post-grade courses in different places in Europe, and in the USA. I keep studying with theachers from the Biodynamic Osteopathy Faculty, founded by James Jealous D.O. A beautiful endless path

Flower Essence Therapy

The Mind-Emotions-Body-Spirit interaction has always fascinated me. This interest kept on growing whne studying Osteopathy. When observing and training at my teachers’s offices, I have noted that beyond the physical pain, stands emotional stress or even emotional traumas. Flower Essences Remedies work such as « little keys » that open doors to those specific emotions, so they release. And then, the whole system can relax much better than keeping on processing those emotions in the background.

Osteopathy is to me a very sacred science. It is sacred because it is a healing power through all of nature .
... Andrew Taylor Still, Fondateur de l'osteopathie...

Where to consult ?

To book and appointment or for any information request, you can reach me :

  • By Phone : +33683091140
  • By email:
  • By using the contact form

Paris 5e

Antony (92)

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